Faith UMC

Mission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ by nurturing spiritual growth and providing avenues for service to others.

Worship Service every Sunday Morning:
   9:00am Adult Sunday School in-person in the Education Wing - 1st Classroom on the right
   10:30am Worship Service in-person in the Sanctuary and Online via Facebook Live Stream (accessible under Sermons link)
   10:30am Junior Church for Children (3 years old through 4th Grade). Kids are dismissed to Junior Church after Children's Time Message

Youth Group Sundays from 5-7pm (with students from Emmanuel, Faith, Leola, Long Memorial, Oregon Community & Salem: Rothsville UMC)

Who we are: Faith UMC is a small but growing church located on the corner of Fruitville Pike and Koser Road (the entrance to the parking lot is on Koser Road). Sunday Services include a blend of contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns as well as an engaging, practical, Bible-based sermon. We also host Junior Church for kids 3 years old through 4th grade! This takes place during the worship service--students start in the service with their families and then leave for Junior Church after the Children's Time message. We are an active church with many different opportunities to get involved--fellowship events, Bible Studies for all ages, weekly Bible2School programs during the elementary school day, an active youth group, monthly men's and women's lunches, and various ways to serve within the church and community. Faith UMC provides an intimate atmosphere where you can know people and be known. If you are looking for a church that is vibrant and excited about living out their faith, then Faith UMC may be the place for you.


Events & Activities:

We have wide variety of events and activities throughout the year. Information about them can be found on the Events and Activities Tab in the left menu bar. We hope to have you join us for these opportunities.

Sunday Worship Service Options:Faith UMC Decorated for Easter

Sunday Worship Services are at 10:30am in the Sanctuary at Faith UMC as well as ONLINE.

We also broadcast online. Look up Pastor “Jason Perkowski” on Facebook ( or by viewing the video with the links on the Online Worship section of our website. A Facebook account isn’t needed to access these videos.

SERMON SERIES BEGINS SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: Faithful Responses in the Real World is our new sermon series. We will address various topics and how we address them in a way that is faithful to the Scriptures and our walk with God, realizing that we are called to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:4-7). So, we will explore how to respond to illness and grief, parenting, challenging issues in our communities, career opportunities, finances, etc. If there are topics that you would like to see addressed in this series, please contact Pastor Jason by email, at 717-333-9238 (calls or text messages), or a note in the prayer basket (which can be anonymous). This would be a great series to invite your friends and family to hear as they seek Godly advice on the real life situations and struggles.

Health Safety During Flu and Cold Season: 

We have one row of seats in the back of the sanctuary that is reserved for those who wish to be seated with others who are also wearing masks and are socially distanced during Worship Services. In the rest of the sanctuary masks are optional. Masks and hand sanitizer are available by the doors.

Contact Information

 Other resources can be found at:

West District of the EPA Conference of the United Methodist Church

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church

The World Methodist Council