Tools for Ministry on Sat., Feb. 22, 2025 from 8AM-Noon at Salem UMC: 140 N. Penn St., Manheim.

Registration Fee: $8. Doors open at 8AM. At 8:30AM DS Freymoyer will lead us in opening worship and a Keynote address. Session 1 is 9:15-10:30AM and Session #2 is 10:45AM-Noon. There will be 10 workshops to choose from in each session, including Alzheimers Care, Church Finances, Dealing with Church Crisis, Exploring a Call to Ministry, Partnering with Community Organizations, etc. Registration and full list of workshops is available at:

Chili Fundraiser on Sunday, February 9 from Noon- 2pm at Faith UMCBowl of Chili

Quarts of vegan or meat chilii are available for $10 each with added toppings that make it just right for your family’s taste buds. Sales will start at Noon at end at 2pm or when we run out of food.

No eat-in service--this is TO GO ONLY so that we may all enjoy eating chili while watching the Super Bowl. Pre-order to guarantee availability, walk-ins cheerfully welcomed. Orders may be placed online or by calling 717-560-0321.

Weavers Sub SaleSub & Sandwich Sale from S. Clyde Weavers

Faith UMC has certificates from S. Clyde Weaver available for sale for $7.00 each. Pick up a delicious made-to-order sub at any of their locations when you don’t feel like cooking or need a lunch for work! You have a choice of at least 7 varieties of sandwiches available on a sub roll, bread or wrap. Please see Carol Kennedy in the office to purchase your certificates. These certificates are so convenient when you need a quick meal during this busy holiday season and they make great stocking stuffers. 


Junior Church in person on Sundays at 10:30am

For children age 3 years (who are potty-trained) through 4th grade. We are using Deep Blue One Room Sunday School curriculum. Children will be given the opportunity to bring an offering at the beginning of Junior Church that they can place in a “piggy bank.” Parents, please sign your child in before the Worship Service. Each child and parent will be assigned a badge with a matching number. Children will begin the service in the sanctuary and be dismissed to Junior Church after the Children’s Time Message. Junior Church takes place in the Elementary Classroom in the Education Wing during Worship (3rd classroom in the Education Wing hallway). After worship, parents are asked to sign children out at a station directly outside the classroom—and are asked to wait outside the class until their child is brought to them.

The ROCK Youth Group (5th-12th grade) at Faith UMC in the Education Wing from 5-7pm

Join us for The R.O.C.K. Youth Group meetings at 5-7pm each Sunday night in person at Faith UMC. We'll check in with how you're doing, share in a meal, play some games, pray, do a Bible Study, and just chat. Feel free to invite friends, too. All youth entering 5th-12th grades are invited to join us. 

GriefShare Group

This group meets every other week to help people find support and process the loss of loved ones. We meet every other Monday from 5-6:30 PM at Faith UMC in the Education Wing. See the Calendar or Faith-a-Gram for details.

"Wing and a Prayer" AA meeting at Faith UMC at 10:00am Every Thursday Morning

Every week AA meets at Faith UMC to support one another in recovery. It is an open group, and all who are in recovery or beginning recovery are invited to come out to the meeting at 10am each week. They are meeting in the Fellowship Hall which is best entered by the second set of doors.

Friday Morning Bible Study & Prayer at Faith UMC at 10:00am -- meeting in the Fellowship Hall by the second set of doors from the parking lot.

Everyone is welcome to join us as Pastor Jason leads a Bible Study about the scripture readings for the upcoming worship service each week. This is a chance to deeply explore your faith—and how it impacts the rest of your life.

Threads of Faith at Faith UMC at 10am-Noon -- meeting in the Fellowship Hall by the second set of doors from the parking lot.

If you like to knit, sew, crochet or quilt, Faith UMC would like to invite you to Threads of Faith! Whether you are experienced or just learning, you are welcome to join us from 10am - Noon the first Saturday of each month for a time of fun and fellowship! Bring your sewing machines and supplies and work on your projects or start a new one while we chat and share talents in our brightly lit, spacious room with plenty of outlets! Our next gathering will be Saturday, September 7th and then again on October 5th. Signups appreciated but walk-ins welcome! We look forward to meeting you all!

Servant Saturday (the first Saturday of each month)

What does Servant Saturday mean? From small tasks to large, we ask everyone to give extra to the world around them that day.  As Christians, we are to give of our time, talents, treasures and service continually.  But sometimes we get entangled with the world around us and the giving falls to the background.  We are asking everyone to give of themselves consciously on Servant Saturday. This is usually the first Saturday of the month. Here is a list of ideas for serving!

Maybe you can give of your time, even a few hours, to volunteer at a local animal shelter. Or, it could be, using your talents to help build a home with Impact Ministries or Habitat for Humanity. Perhaps you dig into your wallet to donate money for a shelter for abused women and youth or a pre-school in South Africa. You may find that spending time in prayer for others or fasting is the best use of your talents. There are many ways to help the world in which we live--locally or globally.