Missions at Faith

OUR MISSION TEAM works to support a variety of ministries and missions locally and around the globe. A few of the areas where we have been involved are listed below.


Every Tuesday and Wednesday we host release time Bible Studies for elementary school students in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. They are bussed from Reidenbaugh Elementary School each week during their recess and lunch period to learn Bible Stories and to worship together.


We engage in improving our community by standing up against injustice. We meet at 5:30 PM on the 3rd Thursday of each month via Zoom. To learn more, contact Renee Norman.

To be a part of the team working on Bail Reform & Representation for persons accused of crimes, join the Zoom Session at Noon every Wednesday: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82483314676?pwd=K2ZtZGQ0LzBOelVlVXQwUk5LR2VFQT09 

We are also engaged with POWER Interfaith of Lancaster County in work regarding criminal justice reform, educational funding equity, economic justice, environmental stewardship, voter engagement, and other important issues.


Faith UMC is encouraging a Servant Saturday for all our worshippers on the first Saturday of each month. We are asking everyone to make an effort to show God’s love to the world around you. We would like everyone to find a way to give of their time, talents and treasures locally or across the world. There is a flyer on the church website that has some suggestions, but we hope you can use your imaginations to find ways to give. Involve everyone in your family to find ways to share the love and giving of Jesus Christ. And who knows, that attitude of servanthood may carry over to all the other days of the week.


Impact! Missions is a Christian Housing Ministry that helps create warm, safe, and dry homes to be sold to lower income families and does repairs on homes for existing homeowners without means to the do the work themselves. Impact! Missions needs volunteers who are willing to use their skills to help restore houses for those in need. Leon Bame volunteers on the first and third Saturdays and would love to have some people from Faith & Oregon Community UMC join him. For more information please contact Leon at 717-344-9924 or leonshel37@gmail.com.


People in need may pick up a Grab ‘n Go Meal at Zion Lutheran Church in East Petersburg every Monday. Several churches in the area support this ministry. Faith UMC provides fifty Grab ‘n Go Meals
quarterly. We usually package them at 9:30 am to be delivered by 11am. Sometimes we need people to provide a dessert or help with meal preparation the day before. If you would like to be involved in this ministry, please contact Carol Kennedy.


Perhaps you or someone you know would appreciate the comfort of a prayer shawl or quilt. Please help yourself to a prayer shawl from the rack in the hall and sign the sheet attached to the rack. You are invited to knit or crochet prayer shawls or you are always welcome to donate yarn for this ministry. Each month we deliver prayer shawls and lap quilts to nursing homes, hospice centers, hospitals, etc. Thank you for your support!


Our connection to this Mission Project grew out of our West District  of the EPAUMC and the families from VBS 2019 supporting the ministry of Rev. Dorcas Kamanda in Sierra Leone at the Children's Village and the NarSarah Clinic. In the past years, we have sent over twelve 55 gallon barrels full of medical supplies, clothing, and sports equipment to support their work. 

We are asking for donations of basic medications (pain medications, antibiotics, anti-diarrhea, cold sores meds, cold medications, children's vitamins, vitamins for older women (e.g. Centrum), rash medication, folic acid, prenatal/post-natal), children’s clothing (clothes, sneakers, socks, underwear), soccer balls, & soap. Bring these to church any time--but call ahead to make sure that someone is in the office to receive your donations. We are working to fill up four 55 gallon barrels with supplies--and are almost half way there. Help us fill the last two barrels! And if you would like to contribute to the cost of the barrels or the shipping costs please let us know.


Every Christmas and Easter we donate shoeboxes, cookies, candy, snack bars, juice boxes, pens, tissues, sticky notes, hot chocolate mix, and other fun items for the college students who are part of the Millersville University Campus Ministry. 


Udobo Pre-School in Durban, South Africa is supported by Faith UMC. That is a school for children aged 4-6 years who come from low-income families in the southern suburbs of Durban, South Africa. For more information about the school, you can visit their website.

Since 2012, the entire offering collected on Christmas Eve has gone to support the work of the school. We encourage each family to consider the goal of sending a financial Christmas present to support the education of the children of Udobo that was equal to what they spent on gifts for their families. Not every family is be able to do this. However, we asked everyone to give what they could.

We also collect offerings throughout the year in a "penny jar" in the main hallway by the Sanctuary, through the church website "Online Giving," link, and through a Christmas in July offering.

You responded tremendously--donating several thousand dollars each year. You can continue to support the school by dropping your loose coins/cash in the Udobo School jar that is in the hallway each week--or by a direct contribution. Thanks for supporting the future of these children.

Udobo -- Video Highlights of 2013